Gina Linko used to have pigtails. Now she has this sweet haircut. And a sassy cat named Sparkle.
Gina Linko likes to write books for kids and young people, because, in her opinion, they are the absolute best kinds of people. Gina has two fluffy, fat cats, one of which is an evil genius. She also has three kids, none of which are fluffy or evil geniuses, although they are quite interesting in their own human-like ways. Gina lives in a suburb outside Chicago, where she works as a textbook editor and spends her free time reading and then reading some more. She likes to stay up super late at night. She doesn't like alarm clocks. She really likes Hershey nuggets, playing euchre, and watching the Cubbies. Her children like to call her Lil Gina, even though she's six-feet tall.
Gina also likes to write books for grown-ups. Her first book for adults, NOTHING ELSE IS LOVE, is available from Touchpoint Press, and you can read more about it here.
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